1921 BSA Lady’s Roadster

1921 BSA Lady’s Roadster Bicycle Model No 4

I’ve recently had this wonderful old lady restored.

When I found her, the original wheels were rusted through. So the hubs were removed, cleaned and serviced.

I found some original BSA wheel rims in good condition, so they were rebuilt with new spokes and the original hubs.

The original paintwork has been coated in oil to preserve it.

I admire bikes that have been correctly restored, with attention to period detail, gleaming nickel and shiny paintwork; it illustrates how they would have looked when they were new.

But I do not cosmetically restore any of my own bikes. My motto is ‘They are only original once.’ I’m a ‘preserver’ and if I find them unrestored I only restore them mechanically so that they can be ridden.

Original handlebar grips are almost impossible to find – it’s not possible to remove them from handlebars without damaging them. They are the most delicate part of a vintage bicycle. As many were replaced during their years of use, original grips from this era are now rarer than the bicycles themselves.

So, though one of the grips on this bike is very worn, I’ve left them on the bike.

Perhaps it’s because of its delicate nature, but I look at a 100-year-old handlebar grip as a work of art.

The saddle is a Brooks Lady’s model.

Early BSA bicycles were made so well that it’s a joy to work on them and discover the quality of the components and the innovation of design.

Since her refurbishment, I’ve ridden this BSA Lady’s Roadster and she handles very well.

I’m very happy that I managed to rescue her and bring her back onto the road.